
Data Culture – A road for a successful Enterprise BI

Posted on February 17, 2012  •  1 minutes  • 203 words

Culture : The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization. www.merriam-webster

Matthew Roche a World Authority on Power BI, published a full series of videos/blog posts at BI Polar covering the many key aspects of building a data culture within your organisation.

These are 3h 20m of the best content about Data Culture you will find available online and for all free! and it seems more is coming in 2021. Definitely a blog to follow if you are not doing it yet.

Here the links for each of the 17 posts :

  1. Series Intro: Building a Data Culture
  2. Data Culture: Executive sponsorship
  3. Data Culture: A brief history of business intelligence
  4. Data Culture: Roles and responsibilities
  5. Data Culture: Picking your battles
  6. Data Culture: The importance of community
  7. Data Culture: Motivation and encouragement
  8. Data Culture: Training for the community
  9. Data Culture: Showcasing the art of the possible
  10. Data Culture: The importance of a central portal
  11. Data Culture: Making stakeholder buy-in explicit
  12. Data Culture: Every app is a unique snowflake
  13. Data Culture: Community champions with swords
  14. Data Culture: The importance of experts
  15. Data Culture: Measuring success
  16. Data Culture: Wisdom from Sun Tzu
  17. Data Culture: Wrapping up and closing words
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